The Power of Yoga Nidra and Radiant Rest - with Tracee Stanley

The Power of Yoga Nidra and Radiant Rest - with Tracee Stanley

In this episode, Karen and guest Tracee Stanley, author of Radiant Rest, dive into the practice of yoga nidra, how the messages we receive about rest present obstacles to lying down, and how to get rest when you don't have time to rest. Tracee also shares a delightful story about the goddess Yoga Nidra that makes this magical transformative sleep practice seem feel even more well-suited for women's health and empowerment.

What If Women Were the Storytellers? - with Elizabeth Lesser

What If Women Were the Storytellers? - with Elizabeth Lesser

Karen talks with Dr. Kamilah Majied about meditation as a journey to freedom, the practice of discomfort resilience, and how rest resources activism. Dr. Majied highlights how meditation conflated with stoicism separates us from the joy of meditation. Dr. Majied shares her thoughts on never ceasing to advocate for human lives, and how unrest can increase our capacity to be with our feelings and set powerful intentions for personal and planetary growth.

Ask Anything

Ask Anything

Daring to Rest founder, Karen Brody, answers your questions! Listen to her thoughts on liminal dreaming, insomnia, chronic pain, aging, how to get teenagers, and younger kids, to sleep better, what to do to settle into yoga nidra meditation if you’re super stressed, self guided yoga nidra versus facilitator-led, and techniques to shield negative energy coming from negative people and negative situations.

You're Free: A Conversation about Resting in Unrest Towards Liberation - with Dr. Kamilah Majied

Karen talks with Dr. Kamilah Majied about meditation as a journey to freedom, the practice of discomfort resilience, and how rest resources activism. Dr. Majied highlights how meditation conflated with stoicism separates us from the joy of meditation. Dr. Majied shares her thoughts on never ceasing to advocate for human lives, and how unrest can increase our capacity to be with our feelings and set powerful intentions for personal and planetary growth.

Inside the Daring to Rest Academy Facilitator Training: Meet Sisterhood 4

Inside the Daring to Rest Academy Facilitator Training: Meet Sisterhood 4

In this episode, Karen talks with four women from Sisterhood 4 about what it’s like to take our online Daring to Rest facilitator immersion. We dig deep into the importance of rest, the power of yoga nidra “sleep” meditation, and how taking our facilitator training has impacted their lives personally and professionally.