

September 19th - October 31st

Become a rest coach so you can start helping others claim a rested life - including you.

These are tiring times where people do not believe they deserve rest and there is not enough support to create a rested life.

The systems in many cultures are not set up to help people feel rested. As a result, we are living in chronic burnout and exhaustion, without an emphasis on the most basic foundation for good health: rest.

And everyone suffers as a consequence of unrested people.

In a culture obsessed with productivity, we have an opportunity to change this toxic narrative. We simply need the guides to step forward.

Rest Coaches.

This is the moment for people all over the world to say “enough” with a depleted unrested life. This is the time for us to step forward to help people create a rested life.

Creating a rested life is for us, our ancestors, and future generations.


A few questions for you…

 Ever sit with a client or group of people you’re leading and wish you had tools to help them create a rested life?

Feel a little embarrassed telling clients to rest when you’re not on a rested path?

Would you love to dive deeper into what living a rested life really means?


The Rest Coach Training

The Rest Coach Training is a 6-week online training for women who want to use our Create a Rested Life format and incorporate rest coaching tools into their business. 

  • Learn our Claim a Rested Life format to lead workshops, retreats and one-on-one experiences.

  • Weave individual and group rest coaching into the work you do to help people create a rested life.

This training also invites you to commit to start claiming a rested life.

It’s for your clients AND you.

We welcome passionate women who want to create a rested world.


Calling women visionaries who want to be leaders in a rest revolution.

You feel a tingle at “being the change you wish to see in the world.”

This Training is for…

  • Meditation and yoga nidra teachers

  • Restorative yoga and yin yoga teachers

  • Health and wellness coaches

  • Mindfulness teachers

  • Breathworkers

  • Somatic therapists

  • Women who want to create a rested life and immerse themselves in advanced rest teachings

  • Women who want to support their one-on-one clients to create a rested life.

  • Women who want to create a paid Create a Rested Life program or incorporate rest coaching tools into their existing business.

 This is not for you if:

  • You are looking to become a life coach. This course is not training you to become a life coach. It’s more like an add-on to an in-depth coaching or facilitator training program.

  • You want to be certified as a rest coach. This is professional education, but it is not a certification program. Right now, we only offer certification through our Daring to Rest Facilitator Leadership Training.

  • You want to teach yoga nidra, meditation or breathwork. We are not training you to teach these rest based practices.


HEAR what women who have trained with us have to say…


“Changed my life in so many nourishing ways.”

Karen’s work, Daring to Rest, and the training I took, have changed my life in so many nourishing ways. I approach my life and leadership from a Rest Perspective, now and forever.

I just LOVE Karen. She shines as a leader, as a facilitator and as a rest expert. She has such vast knowledge and so many creative ways of delivering the the rest lessons along with such organized ways of sharing the information. She’s so giving of her time. A million thank you’s.
— Jenny Weston, Certified Daring to Rest Facilitator

“Rest has transformed my clients’ approach to self care, opening doors for their personal growth and healing.”

I am incredibly grateful for everything Daring to Rest has offered me and how it has positively influenced me and everyone I coach.

I’ve been coaching since 2018 but since training with Daring to Rest in 2022, I have incorporated rest and slowing down more into my coaching practice. The emphasis on rest has wholly transformed my clients’ approach to self-care, opening doors for their personal growth and healing.

In my experience as both a recipient and provider of coaching, solely working on mindset can only take us so far. Don’t get me wrong, it helps raise awareness and is a powerful self-agency component to changing ingrained patterns and beliefs, but when we explore rest, the real magic happens.

I also want to express how impactful resting and practicing Yoga Nidra has been for me as a coach. Coaching from a place of rest has become my preferred way now. More being, less “doing”...I am a better and happier coach.
— Pamela Price, Certified Daring to Rest Facilitator and Coach

“Serves women and humanity.”

The Daring to Rest training I took was very well-organized. I appreciated the flexibility of listening at different times and at a different pace. Karen was a wise, humble and generous teacher.

I believe deeply in the importance of rest & how this work serves women and humanity.
— Barbra Lewis Green, Daring to Rest Facilitator

“Most meaningful and important training I've experienced.”

I believe that the Daring to Rest IN-Body training I took, and the community of women who enrolled, were an integral component in advancing healing practice. It truly catapulted my level of self-care, deepened my connection to my ancestral journey in a very respectful and gentle way, and enhanced my understanding surrounding the possibilities for me to create spaces for healing using deep rest as a core practice. As a woman who has struggled with deep rest for many decades, a mother who’s lost an adult daughter, a person processing life and grief - I feel connected with rest and the practice of Yoga Nidra in a new way.

I sincerely appreciate Karen as a guide and mentor. Her IN-Body training is by far one of the most meaningful and important training I’ve experienced; not taking away from other trainings. My noticing is that for me, this practice gently pulls everything together in a unique and meaningful way.
— Renay B., IN-Body Training participant


The Rest Coach Training includes:

6 Weeks online from September 19th through October 31st.

14 Live Teaching & Practice Calls with Karen

We start with a 3-Day Rested Woman Equinox Rest Cleanse to Claim a Rested Life.  After these 3 days, the next week we start meeting twice a week and dive into learning about the format behind the Claim a Rested Life gathering and we'll build your rest coach toolkit so you can teach Claim a Rested Life in your one-on-one work, as a workshop, or a retreat or sprinkle rest coaching into your existing offerings.

Rest for You

You'll rest a lot with yoga nidra throughout the 6 weeks of the training. Yoga nidra is the most supreme relaxation imaginable. All you do is lie down, listen to a guided voice, and do absolutely nothing.

Rest Sister Partner

For anyone who desires, you can be matched one-on-one with a Rest Sister to practice the rest coaching skills you’ll be learning in the training. (This is loved by many, but is especially ideal for anyone who cannot attend the sessions live - you’ll always have someone to practice with).

Private Forum

Private forum. This is our daily space to connect, ask questions, and receive support.

Two Integration Sessions

Two Group Integration Sessions will take place after the training in November and December to help you integrate the training into your business and life.

Free Membership in our Rested Community for Women

After the training, you’ll receive free membership for 5 months ( November 2023 - March 2024) in the Rested Community, an online Daring to Rest space devoted to helping women create a rested life. Access our extensive Rest Library, monthly rest coaching and live yoga nidra with Karen, special events, and participate for free in our Daring to Rest 40-Day Program in early 2024.


Hi, I’m Karen Brody.

I am a mother, Rest Coach, Yoga Nidra Teacher & Trainer and Author. I am also the founder of Daring to Rest , and the Daring to Rest Facilitator Leadership Program, an online and embodied professional leadership training program for women to learn how to teach yoga nidra and the Daring to Rest methodology.

For the past three decades I have worked in women’s leadership. I discovered meditation when I was 22 after my father died, and about ten years later started leading days of mindfulness at my home. It wasn’t until 2003 when I took a yoga nidra class that I began to take rest seriously. I could not believe how rested I felt after practicing yoga nidra. As a mother raising one son with significant learning differences, this kind of rest felt essential to my mothering, my professional work, and my creative life.

After I got trained in yoga nidra, I began to create the Daring to Rest methodology and have been teaching rest to women and training women in sharing the message of rest for over 15 years.

I am the author of Daring to Rest: Reclaim Your Power with Yoga Nidra Rest Meditation.

My two boys, now 22 and 24, were raised on rest. I am passionate about training women to share the message of rest because I believe in my core that everyone deserves rest, and that rested people create a rested world.


 When you become a rest coach you’ll be able to help people:

  • Trust the intelligence of their bodies and learn embodiment practices to sculpt a rested life

  • See often invisible and unconscious systems at play that are keeping them locked in exhaustion and begin to heal these systems to create more ease

  • Tap into their inner wisdom and express their truest voice

  • Unleash a creative spark that will trickle into more pleasure in every aspect of their life

  • Break the cycle of fatigue in their motherline and entire family system

  • Manage stress and take action from a more rested place

  • Discover they can be both soft and strong at home and work

Rest coaches help create rested leaders, rested parents, rested workplaces and rested homes.

Rest coaching is an inner journey that can be offered one-on-one with clients or in group settings.

I am excited to be immersed in rest conversations and rest coaching practices with you for this 6-week training, diving deep into rest topics and related rest tools that I have been using to rest coach women for over 15 years.

Let’s help people feel rested, fortified and nourished to unleash their most gentle, soft, strong, and brave potential.

The Rest Coach Training: Curriculum


Create a Rested Life Workshop

Sessions 1-3: We begin with a 3-day gathering online: Rested Woman - an equinox rest cleanse to start claiming a rested life.

Teaching & Practice Time

Sessions 4-11: Each session includes at least one rest coaching tool/practice to work with clients to claim a rested life. This time is part live teaching and part practice time. You’ll receive step-by-step PDFs and scripts for every practice to build your rest coaching toolkit.

Session topics Include:

What is Rest? Rest History as Medicine Helping a Client Know How They Feel In Their Body Conscious Femininity and Taking off the Mask of Perfection Activating Intuition Rest Planning with Your Clients Embodied Ways to Work with Astrology & Gene Keys to Help Your Clients Rest Into Who They Are Motherline Healing Resourcing Ancestors and Breaking the Cycle of Fatigue Dream Life and Remembering What’s Possible Again


Imagine a world where everyone has a rest coach.

Let’s create this dream together.


To enhance your Rest Coach Training experience…



In this powerful masterclass, recorded live at the Daring to Rest 2022 forty day program, you will meet sleep & dream specialist Dr. Rubin Naiman and learn:

  1. Sleep, dream and waking problems; most cannot be solved, but only outgrown

  2. Getting off pills (and potions and practices- ineffective solutions) and getting on sleep

  3. Looking for sleep in all the wrong places: denaturation, medicalization and industrialization

  4. Invoking Hypnos: letting sleep find us; letting dreams redefine us; deep sleep as deep self
    - Dreaminess not sleepiness is the natural bridge to sleep
    > Exercise: Where do you go when you go to sleep?

This is excellent personal and professional development to help you understand and apply the science and spirituality of sleep and dreams!

What's Included: 1 Comprehensive 2-Hour Video Lesson and 1 Powerful Sleep Exercise


In his second powerful masterclass, recorded live at the Daring to Rest 2022 forty day program, sleep & dream specialist Dr. Rubin Naiman talks about:

  1. The mixed marriage of body and mind – soul and spirit in dreams

  2. From stubbed-toe to cosmic consciousness (from Ouch to AUM)

  3. What is consciousness? The “I” greater than “me”; dreams & psychedelics: the I that is we…

  4. Adverbs as a way of life
    > Exercise: the great room: acknowledging sleep & dreams in the waking day

This is excellent personal and professional development to help you understand and apply the science and spirituality of sleep and dreams!

What's Included: 1 Comprehensive 2-Hour Video Lesson and 1 Powerful Dream Exercise


In his third and final powerful masterclass, recorded live at the Daring to Rest 2022 forty day program, sleep & dream specialist Dr. Rubin Naiman talks about:

1. Cosmic and comic consciousness – life, love and laughter
2. We don’t need to create wholeness -- only need to acknowledge it.
3. Rest assured; resting unassured—sleeping with trouble
4. Sweet surrender: letting go of control
> Exercise: a dream circle – an invitation to dreamwork

This is excellent personal and professional development to help you understand and apply the science and spirituality of sleep and dreams!

What's Included: 1 Comprehensive 2-Hour Video Lesson and a Powerful Dream Circle Experience


In this deeply restorative Daring to Rest yoga nidra meditation series, you are invited to lay down, practice yoga nidra, and balance your seven main chakras, which are energy centers we have in our bodies . You will experience the most supreme relaxation imaginable. You will reconnect to your rested self, start releasing burnout, and step into a new and more rested relationship with yourself. Included with each yoga nidra is a "rest prescription" of journal prompts, short rest practices and resources for each chakra. Get ready to experience a powerful rest cleanse and step into your most vibrant, glowing self!

What's Included: 7 Deeply Restorative Yoga Nidra Meditations and journal prompts, short rest practices and resources for each chakra


Take These 3 Steps to Join Us

The Rest Coach Training is a 6 week online professional course for women coaches, facilitators, mentors, and teachers worldwide.


Step 1

Register. Registration is now closed. Get on the interest list for our 2024 dates.

Step 2

Rest Phase. You’ll start on September 19th with a 3-Day Create a Rested Life workshop. They’ll be 3 live two hour sessions at 12pm MDT and an online forum to connect daily.

Step 3

Teaching & Practice Phase. September 26th - October 31st. Here, you will learn 1) how to teach the Create a Rested Life approach as a workshop, retreat or one-on-one experience with your clients; 2) rest coaching practices you can sprinkle into your existing work or into a Create a Rested Life program; and 3) feel even more rested yourself. We meet twice a week for 2 to 2.5 hours, on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 12pm MDT. Recordings are always available if you cannot attend live.


 Frequently Asked Questions

  • Anyone passionate about creating a rested world is encouraged to enroll in the Rest Coaching Training.

    • This training is primarily for heart-based entrepreneurs including coaches, therapists, facilitators, teachers, and mentors.

    • You do not have to be trained in yoga nidra or any rest practices to enroll NOR do you need to have a specific degree. We welcome passionate women who believe that rest will change the world and want to be a part of this change. However, we do recommend you be trained in at least one rest modality (meditation, yoga nidra, breathwork, etc) to practice as a rest coach. This can be done before or after taking the Rest Coaching course.

    • September 19th-21st you’ll begin with a 3 day Create a Rested Life workshop. This is required pre-learning.

    • Early bird enrollment ended on July 25, 2023 at midnight Eastern.

    • The enrollment window is open until September 19, 2023.

    • The training starts on September 19. 2023.

  • It’s your choice how much you engage. While everyone learns differently, the average time you can expect to give per week is 5-7 hours. This includes the live sessions and rest time.

  • The Rest Coach Training includes:

    • 6 Weeks online from September 19th through October 31st.

    • 14 Live Sessions with Karen

      We start with a 3-Day Create a Rested Life workshop. After the workshop, we meet twice a week starting September 26th and dive into learning about the format behind the Create a Rested Life workshop and we'll build your rest coach toolkit so you can teach Create a Rested Life in your one-on-one work, as a workshop, or a retreat or sprinkle rest coaching into your existing offerings.

    • Rest for You

      You'll rest a lot with yoga nidra throughout the 6 weeks of the training. Yoga nidra is the most supreme relaxation imaginable. All you do is lie down, listen to a guided voice, and do absolutely nothing.

    • Rest Sister Partner

      For anyone who desires, you can be matched one-on-one with a Rest Sister to practice the rest coaching skills you’ll be learning in the training. (This is loved by many, but is especially ideal for anyone who cannot attend the sessions live - you’ll always have someone to practice with).

    • Private Forum

      Private forum. This is our daily space to connect, ask questions, and receive support.

    • Two Integration Sessions

      Two Group Integration Sessions will take place after the training in November and December to help you integrate the training into your business and life.

    • Free Membership in our Rested Community for Women

      After the training, you’ll receive free membership for 5 months ( November 2023 - March 2024) in the Rested Community, an online Daring to Rest space devoted to helping women create a rested life. Access our extensive Rest Library, monthly rest coaching and live yoga nidra with Karen, special events, and participate for free in our Daring to Rest 40-Day Program in early 2024.

  • There are 16 live calls.

    Replays for all calls will be available within 6-12 hours after the live call.


    Rested Woman: A 3-Day Equinox Rest Cleanse to Start Claiming a Rested Life

    September: 9/19, 9/20, 9/21.

    All calls are on Zoom from 12.00 - 1.30pm Mountain Time. (Check your time zone here).

    Karen will try to end on time, but each session is responsive so may go up to 30 minutes more. Plan on 2 hours.


    September: 9/26, 9/28

    October: 10/3, 10/5, 10/10, 10/12, 10/17, 10/19, 10/24, 10/26, 10/31

    All calls are on Zoom from 12.00 - 2.00pm Mountain Time. (Check your time zone here).

    Karen will try to end on time, but each session is responsive so may go up to 30 minutes more. Plan on 2.5 hours.


    November 13

    December 11

    Both calls are on Zoom from 12.00 - 1.30pm Mountain Time. (Check your time zone here).

  • All of the live sessions will be recorded and the recording will be available within 6-12 hours.

    There is also an online form on Mighty Networks to continue the conversations, share stories and ask questions.

  • Your enrollment in the Rest Coach Training is a non-refundable/ non-opt out (of payment plans) investment. 

    If you withdraw at any time during the training program, full payment is still due, as once registration closes, we cannot give your spot to another student.

    The only exception we make is: if you participate in the Rest Coach Training for one week (7 days), and if you do the work (daily yoga nidra, journaling & live Rest Practices & Coaching) and honestly feel the training is not a good fit, you can email us by September 26th to receive a full refund.

    We do understand that personal and family emergencies can come up while you are enrolled that might prevent you from completing the training in the alloted 7.5 months you have access to the training. (The training is 6 weeks and then you have access for 6 more months). Requests for deferment are considered on a case by case basis. A deferment is available for one year without any additional fee.

    Please do not register if you are not sure you can make a commitment to the course as your registration takes a precious spot in the training and there are limited spots. If you have any questions about the refund policy or the training, then before you enroll please reach out to us. We are happy to answer your questions and make sure it’s a good fit.

    When you know in your heart and mind that this is the personal and professional growth opportunity you’ve been waiting for we look forward to having you join us!

    Also note that this is a tax deduction for your business under professional development.

  • Right now, if you complete the entire training, you can say that you took our course on your resume, but you will not receive a certificate and cannot claim to be certified rest coach with Daring to Rest.

    Having said this, there is a way to certify!

    It is possible for anyone who certifies in our Daring to Rest Facilitator Leadership Program and also takes this training to call themselves a Daring to Rest rest coach. We require our facilitator training because we want our rest coaches trained in yoga nidra and the Daring to Rest method.

    If you want to certify as a rest coach, you’ll be given prompts for each session in the course and a final overall prompt. There is a $500 fee to review your materials for certification. Reach out to us if you’re interested in certifying this way.

    The next Daring to Rest Facilitator Leadership Training starts at the end of January 2024.

  • Here's a summary of the differences:

     The Rest Coach Training is focused on training women to help their clients create a rested life. You'll be able to teach our Create a Rested Life format after the training or sprinkle the rest coaching tools you'll learn into the work you already do. This is a 6 week online training. It is not a certification training, although it is possible to certify as a Daring to Rest rest coach if you also take our Daring to Rest Facilitator Training.

    The Daring to Rest Facilitator Training is focused on training women to become yoga nidra teachers and teach our Daring to Rest method after the training or adding yoga nidra into the work you to do make it more rest centered. This is a much longer online leadership training centered on rest that helps build your confidence to teach yoga nidra and create rest programs. It starts in early 2024. There is an option to certify and receive both group and individual mentorship.

    I do not teach any of the rest coaching tools you'll learn in the Rest Coach Training in the Facilitator Training. (I do teach a few short rest practices in both trainings).

  • There is lots of support in this training. In addition to an online forum to connect and ask questions anytime, during the course everyone will meet live online with Karen. There is also an option to be matched with another participant and practice together one-on-one.

  • During the training, you can download and save all materials so that you can keep them forever. You’ll also have access to the course site for an additional six months after the course conclusion. The only content that is not downloadable is the bonus content.

  • No.

    We know there are many coaches, facilitators, teachers and mentors who do not want to teach yoga nidra, but do want to offer group and one-on-one rest coaching.

    No prior yoga nidra or rest experience is required to receive the benefits of this training. If you are curious about rest and new to working and living from a rest-paradigm, you are welcome.

    This training is ideal for any heart-based entrepreneur who wants to become a rest coach.

    You may have rest practices that you already have been trained in - like meditation, restorative yoga, or breathwork - or you may not have been trained in any rest practices. You’re looking for an approach to coaching people that is rest-based.

  • We offer two EARLY BIRD payment options:

    (Note: early bird pricing is available until midnight Eastern on July 25th)

    Payment in full – US$2,000

    5 monthly payments (price changes to US$2,500): $500/month

    (Price increase $500 after July 25th, and payment plan payments are for fewer months).


    Please be aware that if you have selected a payment plan and you miss a payment, we send three reminder emails. After that, you will lose access to the portal and all content. You will not receive access to the course until you continue payments.

    To be clear, the Rest Coaching Course is not a pay in part program where you can pay for a certain amount of time or only for access to certain Sessions/Materials/Bonuses and not others. This is a full immersion course, and your payment plan is a convenience that we offer so that you can make the price sustainable. Therefore, what this means is that once you enroll you are consenting to pay the entire amount even if you then decide to end your participation before the program is completed.

  • This training is not a complete coach certification program. It is designed as an additional training to a coaching or other professional facilitator training.

    This is a 6-week online training for women who want to lead rest experiences for people using rest coaching tools and our Create a Rested Life format.

    • weave individual and group rest coaching into the work you do to help people create a rested life.

    • Learn our Create a Rested Life format to lead workshops, retreats and one-on-one experiences.

    This training also invites you to commit to creating a rested life. It’s for you AND your clients.

  • Yes. But the deadline was July 20th. So sorry you missed it. Reach out if you need a longer payment plan then what’s available. We try to work with everyone’s situation.

  • This training is not therapy. It is an exploration on rest and application of specific embodied rest coaching tools to help people feel rested, including you. Resting can bring up emotions. We encourage anyone who needs therapeutic support to get it and upon request can provide a list of vetted professionals as a resource.

  • This training is a tax deduction for your business under professional development.

  • That’s you if you join the Rest Coach Training. At Daring to Rest, we call each cohort a “Sisterhood.” Sisterhood 1 will be our founding cohort.

  • We’re happy to answer any questions you have about the course. Email us.


HEAR what women who have trained with us have to say…


“Useful & magical experience.”

Thank you for creating such a useful, and magical, educational experience.
— Clairone Delaney, Daring to Rest Facilitator

“Learned a lot…and felt like one long retreat.”

I learned a lot during my training with Daring to Rest, and it also really felt like one long retreat to me. Every week I looked forward to learning more.

Karen teaches with example and that is the best teaching one could get. She addressed all questions and kept the group focused and on target. She has great skills as a teacher and as a speaker. Her honesty and openness make her very accessible and approachable. She is inspiring as a teacher and a human being and I feel so blessed to belong to the Daring to Rest community.
— Catalina Natalini, Daring to Rest Facilitator

“Karen is "magic"in its most beautiful sense…”

Karen is “magic” in its most beautiful sense. She listens so deeply that she draws out others wisdom.
— Janet Frischmon, Rested Community member