


A space for women to dare to rest

Join Rested


At the moment rested is closed for enrollment.


Sign up below to be notified when enrollment opens again.


You are invited into the sisterhood of


We welcome women yearning to step into their most rested self.

Rest isn’t weak or lazy.

It is a soft space to restore your body, slow down, listen to your inner wisdom, feel held, and imagine what’s possible.

It can be a catalyst to reclaiming your power.

To rest is radical in today’s 24-7 hustle culture. We live in a wake-centric world that upholds being busy all the time as the gold standard. A commitment to rest says ENOUGH to this way of living. It is the start of your new and more rested story.

For the sake of your health - and your sanity - you know you cannot wait any longer to “someday” feel rested.

We’ve got you, Rest Sister.

A sisterhood of women from around the world are ready to welcome you. In our Rested community you are given full permission to rest, release, and rise into your most Rested Woman.

We have been teaching women to rest and sculpt a rested life for sixteen years.

I have finally learned to say, and mean, I AM A RESTED WOMAN. This has been life-changing for me, my children, and my relationships with everyone.
— Mary Ann, Rested member

Every month, our rest sisterhood supports you in daring to rest and dream your most rested life.

Each month, Rested members receive:



-Monthly live rest circle with Karen to rest and explore what sculpting a rested life means to you. Always recorded to listen anytime.

-Weekly 15 minute live body scan + oracle card draw with Karen to start your week rested. Always recorded to listen anytime.

-On-demand access to an extensive Library with 100+ rest practices & rest-based workshops.


- Connection with other rest-positive women around the world to reflect and share.


What’s Included in Rested


Live Calls

We gather live each month for a rest circle with Karen on the first Wednesday of the month at 10am MT. Rest practice, reflection & sharing time. Circles are 75 minutes and recorded.

Monthly Daring to Rest Yoga Nidra

Experience the power of Daring to Rest yoga nidra with guest teachers. Our yoga nidras are women-led by certified Daring to Rest Facilitators and empowered with unique features such as resting with your council of women and listening for soul whispers.

Weekly Live 15-Minute Body Scan + Oracle Card Draw

Each week on Mondays at 10am MT we come together for a 15 minute "Yes to Rest" Circle. Includes a body scan and oracle card draw to start your week rested and frame the week ahead with a “rest lens.” Circles are recorded.

On-Demand Library of 100+ Rest Practices and Special Rest Events

Listen anytime to Daring to Rest yoga nidras, short rest practices, special rest events on topics such as sacred living, labyrinths, essential oils, and rest practices from our annual 40-day Daring to Rest programs.



Annual Daring to Rest 40-Day Rested Woman Retreat

Attend for FREE our annual Rested Woman Retreat. This is our new year practice in Rested, a beloved and valuable bonus as it gives you the opportunity to deepen your rest practice or reclaim it if you need support recommitting to rest. (available women who are members of Rested in January-March)

Community of Rested Woman

When you join Rested you will be part of a sisterhood of women who are committed to becoming well-rested. We are dedicated to resting our bodies and claiming our power. It’s time!

Rest Camp for Women 2024

Join our community and get Access to our 2024 "Rest Camp for Women" recordings. Nine sessions led by newly certified Daring to Rest Facilitators.

The Power of Silence

At our monthly live rest circle we will experience and explore the power of silence and how to sculpt a rested life.



 We’re here to give you permission to rest.


When you join Rested,

you will...


Remember that you deserve rest: rest is your birthright

Feel more restored, energized and alive in your body and mind than you have a in a long time

Claim the rested life you deserve. Your commitment to dare to rest is affirming that you are a Rested Woman, and that you have had enough living as a worn out and depleted woman

Become a legacy-breaker if you are the first person in your family line to claim a rested life

Develop a “rest lens” through which you see your family, community and the world, and experience how this transforms every relationship

Let go of perfection and learn to live your own unique rest story without comparison to others’ paths

Find comfort in your Rest Sisters who have been traveling this path for a while, and learn from their journeys

Impact future generations. Parents: imagine raising your children in a rested household

Lead from a more rested place in your home and work



 Meet Karen


Mom, Author, and Founder of Daring to Rest

Karen is the author of the book, “Daring to Rest: Claim Your Power with Yoga Nidra Meditation.” She has led women’s leadership groups for over 30 years and taught and trained women in yoga nidra meditation, the Daring to Rest method and the Rested Path framework. The founder of Daring to Rest, Karen is passionate about helping women change their lives through the power of rest. In addition to her book Daring to Rest, she wrote a critically acclaimed play called “Birth” that was performed around the world, translated into four languages and raised over one million dollars to improve maternity care for mothers, families and babies. She is the mother of two boys, now in their twenties, who were raised on rest. 


What Rested members have to say…

I love it that Rested is part of a women’s rest revolution!
— Janice
Our monthly rest circles are very, very nourishing. This group of women resting together and sharing has been a lifesaver for me! Karen’s presence and guidance is incredibly special and I am so grateful for Rested.
— Holly
Before joining Rested I felt very alone, vulnerable to shaming for being too ‘woo’ or having ‘crazy’ desiring a slower more restful life instead of one ruled by a ‘bigger better faster more’ achievement-orientated mindset. Thanks Karen for being such a wonderful rest advocate and guide in our non-rest-positive world. Rested has opened my eyes in so many ways - lying down to wake up, indeed!
— Joanne




  • Yes. Every live gathering is recorded and can be listed to anytime in our portal.

  • You’re on Planet Rest :)

    You’ll have immediate access to our Rest Library.

    On the first of every month you’ll receive the Rested monthly email with our schedule and contemplation topic for the month.

  • It’s super easy: Log in to our online portal from your cell, iPad/tablet, or computer.

    We use a platform called Simplero. You can download the app (for IOS & Android) and access our content on your phone.

  • Yes! All content is optional. Many women go at their own pace.

  • Rested works like most online memberships. You have access to the materials while you are a member. When your membership ends, your access ends. You cannot download materials for offline access, so you’ll need an internet connection to access materials.

  • Monthly memberships can be canceled anytime by clickiing “unrenew” in our portal or emailing us at

    Once you cancel, you’ll have access to Rested until the end of your current billing cycle.

  • Yes.

    Monthly membership: You’ll be charged once a month on the same day you enrolled.

    Yearly membership: You’ll be charged once a year on the same day you enrolled.

  • Yoga nidra is a transformational sleep practice and state of consciousness that is deeply restorative. All you do is lie (or sit) down, listen to a voice guiding you, and do nothing.

    It has been said that 30 minutes of yoga nidra feels like 3-4 hours of sleep in your body.

  • If you have questions we are happy to answer your questions about Rested. Just drop us an email at

Join Rested


At the moment rested is closed for enrollment.


Sign up below to be notified when enrollment opens again.



You are welcome to join us on the island of Rested Women.