


A Community for women to dare to rest

You are invited join us in our Deep Rest Sanctuary for Women who need quiet, peace, and space to become a Rested Woman.

Live monthly yoga nidra, silent meditation, rest sisterhood, and writing for personal & planetary healing with Karen Brody, author of Daring to Rest: Reclaim Your Power with Yoga Nidra Rest Meditation


Join Karen each month to rest deeply, discover the power of refuge with other women on a rested path, and find an inner calm - your rest GPS - in the midst of uncertainty.

Dear Rest Friend,

I’ve always envisioned a community for women to come together to feel rested and nourished. Six years ago, I started it. It’s called the Rested community.

If you’re here, then I know you’re wondering if Rested is right for you.

Let me ask you this: how many times have you said to yourself “I need space for me!”

Women are givers. And right now, there are a lot of needs to be met. How do we give without burning out? How do we stay loving and caring and relaxed in a world - and maybe home - that keeps demanding our time and energy?

Life is busy, AND we know that doing more - giving until we are out of power - is getting us nowhere.

Add a global crisis of the heart, relentless bullies, toxic systems trying to strip us of our power, the rise in the destructive constellation of patriarchy and narcissism…and it’s even more clear that women need a Rest Sanctuary to revive ourselves and remember our power.

Marion Woodman spoke of Sitting by the Well.

Clarissa Pinkola Estes wrote of feeding our Wild Woman in her book Women Who Run with the Wolves.

V (formerly Eve Ensler) brought us The Vagina Monologues and declarations reminding us that The Revolution Lives in My Body.

Some may call this the way of the conscious feminine.

I call it the tone of rest.

Right now, more than ever, we need to bring a tone of rest to ourselves, our homes, our communities, and our world.

I know this moment can feel like a lot. Where to begin?

To answer this, I am reminded of the writer Ann Lamott who said, “Nothing will work unless you do.”

We must start with ourselves - with becoming Rested Women.

I am excited to welcome you into the Rested community, a space I created as a rest sanctuary for women who need deep rest, quiet time, healing, and courage. Rested is a space that gives you permission to lie down…permission to feel…permission to chuck perfect…permission to leave the toxic rest messages you may have grown up with. (“Rest is weak” and “Rest is lazy” to name two of many). The Rested community is a refuge for you…in a modern world always seducing you back to busy. It’s a place to explore all the different types of rest you need, trust your intuition again, and find your most rested voice.

Especially now, it feels like every woman needs to get on an island of Rested Women. There’s a lot of unrest out there. Becoming rested alone is hard to sustain. We need each other.

Each month inside Rested we’ll meet live for yoga nidra (the most fantastic sleep-based meditation I know), silent meditation, writing, and listening to our voices. I promise to offer you supreme relaxation and lots of time to reflect on how you can step into your most rested life. Everything is optional - you can listen anytime so if you cannot come live it’s no problem. There is also a library of rest practices to use any time.

If you know in your bones it’s time to make a commitment to rest…to be perhaps the first in your family line to become a Rested Woman…then I hope you will get out your blanket, puff your pillows, and join me inside Rested.

I look forward to giving you the deep rest you deserve.



I have finally learned to say, and mean, I AM A RESTED WOMAN. This has been life-changing for me, my children, and my relationships with everyone.
— Mary Ann, Rested member

Each month, Rested members receive:



1) Two live rest circles with Karen to cultivate a Rested Body & Rested Voice. Always recorded to listen anytime.

2) Monthly Daring to Rest yoga nidra and a short silent meditation combined with writing prompts.

3) On-demand access to an extensive Library with 100+ rest practices & rest workshops.


4) Connection with a global sisterhood of rest-positive women to reflect and share.

Plus you’ll receive THIS Bonus

- Free entry to our annual Daring to Rest 40 Day Program.


What’s Included in Rested


Two Live Monthly Rest Circles

We gather live twice each month for 75 minute rest circles with Karen on the first & second Mondays of the month at 10am MT. Circles are recorded.

The Power of Silence & Finding Your Most Rested Voice

Through silent meditation with Karen, you will experience the power of silence. What if you found your voice and inner guidance for a rested life from a quiet space?

Deep Rest + Writing

Experience yoga nidra live every month with Karen + writing prompts.

On-Demand Library of 100+ Rest Practices and Special Rest Events

Listen anytime to Daring to Rest yoga nidras, short rest practices, special rest events on topics such as sacred living, essential oils, and more.


Free Annual Daring to Rest 40-Day Program

You’ll receive a free invite to our annual Daring to Rest 40-Day Program. Led by Karen in January & February. A beloved and valuable bonus - the opportunity to deepen your rest practice. (Available to women in Rested who are members during our 40 day program).

Community of Rested Woman

When you join Rested you will be part of a global rest sisterhood dedicated to resting our bodies and claiming our power. Whether you can attend our live sessions are not, rest sisterhood is powerful. You will be part of a movement to become a Rested Woman.



 We’re here to help you rise up rested.


When you join Rested,

you will...


Feel more restored, energized and alive in your body and mind than you have a in a long time

Let go of the constant chaos of the world, discover an inner calm, and find refuge in a Rest Sisterhood of women who believe in rest.

Become a legacy-breaker by being the first person in your family line to claim a rested life

Develop a “rest lens” through which you see your family, community and the world, and experience how this transforms every relationship

Impact future generations. Rested Women create a rested household.

Let go of perfection and learn to live your own unique rest story without comparison to others’ paths

Claim the rested life you deserve. Your commitment to dare to rest is affirming that you are a Rested Woman, and that you have had enough living as a worn out and depleted woman

Lead from a more rested place in your home and work

Remember that you deserve rest: rest is your birthright



 Meet Karen


Mom, Author, and Founder of Daring to Rest

Karen is the author of the book, “Daring to Rest: Claim Your Power with Yoga Nidra Meditation.” She has led women’s leadership groups for over 30 years and taught and trained women in yoga nidra meditation, the Daring to Rest method and The Rested Path framework. The founder of Daring to Rest, Karen is passionate about helping women change their lives through the power of rest. In addition to her book Daring to Rest, soon after she started resting with yoga nidra she wrote a critically acclaimed play called “Birth” that was performed around the world, translated into four languages and raised over one million dollars to improve maternity care for mothers, families and babies. Karen is the mother of two boys, now in their twenties, who were raised on rest. 


What Rested members have to say…

I love it that Rested is part of a women’s rest revolution!
— Janice
Our monthly rest circles are very, very nourishing. This group of women resting together and sharing has been a lifesaver for me! Karen’s presence and guidance is incredibly special and I am so grateful for Rested.
— Holly
Before joining Rested I felt very alone, vulnerable to shaming for being too ‘woo’ or having ‘crazy’ desiring a slower more restful life instead of one ruled by a ‘bigger better faster more’ achievement-orientated mindset. Thanks Karen for being such a wonderful rest advocate and guide in our non-rest-positive world. Rested has opened my eyes in so many ways - lying down to wake up, indeed!
— Joanne

Join Rested

If you feel called to become a Rested Woman, we hope you will join us.


Per month


  • Yes. Every live gathering is recorded and can be listed to anytime in our portal.

  • You’re on our Island of Rested Women :)

    You’ll have immediate access to our Rest Library. We will also provide you with clear next steps for attending our live rest circles on the first & second Mondays of the month. If you cannot attend live that’s no problem - many women listen later.

  • It’s super easy: Log in to our online portal from your cell, iPad/tablet, or computer.

    We use a platform called Simplero. You can download the app (for IOS & Android) and access our content on your phone.

  • Yes! All content is optional. You can attention rest circles live or listen later.

  • Rested works like most online memberships. You have access to the materials while you are a member. When your membership ends, your access ends. You cannot download materials for offline access, so you’ll need an internet connection to access materials.

  • Your membership can be canceled anytime by clicking “unrenew” in our portal or emailing us at

    Once you cancel, you’ll have access to Rested until the end of your current billing cycle.

  • Yes.

    You’ll be charged once a month on the same day you enrolled.

  • Yoga nidra is a transformational sleep practice and state of consciousness that is deeply restorative. All you do is lie (or sit) down, listen to a voice guiding you, and do nothing.

    It has been said that 30 minutes of yoga nidra feels like 3-4 hours of sleep in your body.

    Women in our Rested Community have called yoga nidra “life changing.”

    It’s the deepest rest we know.

  • If you are experiencing financial hardship please reach out to us at We are committed to supporting all women to dare to rest regardless of their financial situation.

  • If you have questions we are happy to answer your questions about Rested. Just drop us an email at


A Rested Woman feels.

She is her own medicine woman.

Knowing in her bones

she can reclaim rest

for herself

and future generations.

I am a Rested Woman.