Certified Facilitator Lyza Michel leading a rest retreat in Portugal.

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Thanks for your interest in becoming a Daring to Rest Facilitator.

We are thrilled that you’ll be joining us for Sitting By the Well of the Rest Revolution on November 21st at 10am MT.

Within the next 15 minutes you’ll receive a welcome email from Karen. Before to open it as there’s a link to a gift of rest for you!

Our training is more than simply learning yoga nidra. Daring to Rest is a community - a rest sisterhood - supporting you to step into becoming a Rested Woman.

You will also be professionally trained in not only yoga nidra, but also in our feminine leadership framework known as the Daring to Rest method.

we hope you can join us live on November 21st at 10am MT to learn more.

Here's to a much needed rest revolution.