“Women everywhere need to take rest seriously if they are to enjoy vibrant health. Karen Brody’s Daring to Rest is the most practical place to start.””
— Dr. Christiane Northrup, Women's health pioneer and NY Times bestselling author
“Because Karen is attuned to the demands of women in our time, her guidance speaks directly to our frustration and burnout. Her yogic sleep now helps me relax, get clear, and cope with life’s hardships — and then get to work. ”
— Saundra Goldman, Owner, Creative Mix
“Thank you for sharing this Daring to Rest magic with the world. It aids me in doing what I need to do for me, so that I can do for others.”
— Sera Bond, CEO Circle of Health International
“As a faculty member at a women’s college, I am concerned about the rise in burnout I witness even among incoming students, many of who enter still exhausted from high school. I imagine the most bold and cutting-edge institutions of higher education will want to adopt this book as a road map in planning their wellness, leadership development, and student affairs programming.””
— Benita Jackson, PhD MPH, Associate Professor of Psychology, Smith College
“ Thank you for the stillness you helped me find.”