Certified Daring to Rest Facilitator
Certified: 2024
Ukiah, California
Lila Buckley is a recovering global development and food policy researcher who spent the last 20 years traveling the world and running herself to the ground. Her burnout came in the form of severe and disabling long covid in 2020. As tired as Lila was, she struggled with the abrupt end to her career and the accompanying guilt and shame surrounding her body’s demand for rest.
As an anthropologist, she naturally dove into learning about rest practices around the world, including those of her own ancestors. During this journey, Lila found yoga nidra and Daring to Rest, which led her to become a certified Daring to Rest Facilitator in 2024 and join the growing movement to decolonize rest in our modern world.
Lila is passionate about creating space for people to rise up rested through meditation, rest, journaling and play.
Daring to Rest is a journey back to ourselves so that we may rise up rested.
“Daring to Rest is a uniquely empowering form of Yoga Nidra. The approach provides a pendulum for us to build a rested life, checking in with our body and heart each time we practice, and rising up more authentically us. Welcome to the rest revolution!”