

an online rest and writing retreat for women

solstice Circle

June 19, 20 & 21

You are invited to our first Daring to Rest Writing Retreat.


“When women claim space to rest and write we affirm ourselves, our stories, and the world we live in.”

Karen Brody


Are you longing to dedicate time and space to slow down and write?

Want to harness the creative power that comes from the deepest rest imaginable?

Does it feel like there’s a story your heart yearns to tell?

Solitude is about claiming your voice, harnessing the creative power of deep rest, and making space to write down the words your heart and soul must share.

“There is no greater agony than bearing an untold story inside you.” - Maya Angelou

We are living in exhausting times. Times that require us to tend to not only our bodies, but our creative life.

We have stories that must be told.

Yet the barriers for women to find time to write are real: busy schedules, care taking responsibilities, fatigue from over-work and over-thinking, as well as family lineages invested in keeping secrets and telling narratives that are not true.

Let’s be real: if you long to write you have got to create space to go inward.

When is the last time you gave yourself wide open space?

Space to rest. Space for your creative muse to come out and write. Space for magic and mystery.

This is the invitation you will receive in Solitude.

What to expect during the retreat

For 3 days over the solstice and a full moon we will immerse ourselves in…



You will be given a prompt after yoga nidra and then invited to spend 2 hours on a writing project or explore whatever your heart leads you to write.


Deep Rest

Each day we will warm up with a short yoga nidra, a deeply restorative sleep based guided meditation.



In the final hour we will check in. You will be able to share your work in small circles with other Well-Rested Women Writers and in our larger circle.


 Give Yourself the Gift of 3 Days of Solitude.

Come Claim Your Inner Writer.

Dare to Rest and Write.

Here’s the Schedule

Please note: You do not have to attend every day live to join us. Many women have participated in our programs asynchronously.

June 19

10-10.55am MT: Welcome & Introductions

11.00-11.30am MT: Rest Warm Up

11.30am-1pm MT: Personal Writing Time

1pm-1.30pm MT: Check In

June 20

10-10.30am MT: Rest Warm Up

10.30am-12.30pm MT: Personal Writing Time

12.30pm-1.30pm MT: Check In

June 21

10-10.30am MT: Rest Warm Up

10.30am-12.30pm MT: Personal Writing Time

12.30pm-1.30pm MT: Closing Check In

Who’s Solitude For?

We are calling women around the world who…

Have a specific piece of writing you want to work on

Are not sure what you want to write, but feel a desire to write

Want to dare to rest with yoga nidra and see how deep nourishing rest helps you tap into your creative self

Crave a community of women to keep you accountable and cheer you on as you write and rest


 Meet Karen

Mom, Writer, Rest Coach, and Founder of Daring to Rest

I was a slow reader throughout school and told in college that I was not allowed to take an English class because my writing was poor. Today I now know I am dyslexic, but for quite a while I believed the “I am not a writer” story that all the systems (education, workplace, professional writing spaces) were telling me. It was only after I discovered yoga nidra - the most transformational rest I now know - that I refused to buy into this story any longer. In fact, when I rested I remembered that I was always a writer; dictating stories at age eleven to my best friend on a bench beside the boat basin near my childhood home, writing in journals for decades, jotting down writing ideas in manila folders.

I am excited to spend 3 days with you inside Solitude to give you the space to rest and write.

It is through my yoga nidra practice and writing that I have felt more creative, engaged in life, and have learned the most about myself. Both have taught me how to speak up and tell my truth, even when it felt dangerous. When I rest and write, I feel the most spacious and free. We will spend 3 days on retreat with other women in this beautiful rest and writing “soup.”

A bit more about me: I am the author of the book, Daring to Rest: Reclaim Your Power with Yoga Nidra Meditation. I have led women’s leadership groups for over 30 years and taught and trained women in yoga nidra meditation, the Daring to Rest method and the Rested Path framework. In addition to my book Daring to Rest, I have written wellness articles, books, ghost written a memoir, compiled a book on AIDS in Kenya, and wrote a critically acclaimed play called Birth that was performed around the world, translated into four languages and raised over one million dollars to improve maternity care for mothers and babies.

I am the mother of two boys now in their twenties who were raised on rest.  


Join Us for 3 Days of Solitude



We are committed to supporting women to rest and write who are in in financial need. If this is you, please apply for assistance by June 11th here.


What women are saying about Daring to Rest with Karen


“I love Karen’s mix of loving, gentle kindness and support and holding a deep, powerful stand for women's leadership and empowerment.”

Karen E.

 “Karen is an excellent listener - she truly hears what we are saying and she responds to everyone's input with such compassion and understanding. Her voice is soothing and her pace is perfect and so effective when guiding Yoga Nidra.”

Demi G.

“Everything about Daring To Rest is so well organized and so well presented. All of the email communications are clear, the guided meditations are divine, the live sessions are powerful.”

Claire C.

“Karen is supportive, attentive yet lets each person stand in their own truth. She so easily holds space brilliantly for small and large groups of women!”

Karen P.



  • Missing a day is no problem. Every live gathering is recorded and can be listened to anytime in our portal. You can do this retreat live or asynchronously.

  • You have lifetime access to the materials in our portal. (Content is not downloadable).

  • No writing experience is required. If you have a desire to write, you can join us.

  • No. Karen is not a writing coach. She is a rest coach and a writer who has written books, articles, and a play. She loves to hold space for women to find their voice and tell the stories they have inside of them. She wants to introduce you to the power of resting and writing because over the past 20 years her writing has benefited tremendously from a consistent yoga nidra practice. She is happy to share more about her rest practice and writing life with you during the retreat.

  • This is a non-refundable purchase. Please feel into whether it is the right commitment for you before enrolling.

  • Yoga nidra is a transformational sleep practice and state of consciousness that is deeply restorative. All you do is lie (or sit) down, listen to a voice guiding you, and do nothing.

    It has been said that 30 minutes of yoga nidra feels like 3-4 hours of sleep in your body.

  • If you have questions we are happy to answer them. Just drop us an email at

Give Yourself 3 Days of Solitude to Rest and Write

Online | June 19-21