
 The Daring to Rest

Leadership Program



If you are here we know that you care about helping others rise rested, including yourself.

You believe the power of rest is an antidote for our modern busy life.

Rest is medicine.

You want to be a leader in a rest revolution.

You may be the first in your family line to dare to rest.

You may support others who are too.

At Daring to Rest we believe the world needs rest guides and that women are ideally suited for this role.

Women need rest and naturally share what we feel is essential.

You may be leading a wellness business… if so, rest coaching and facilitation is ideal to weave into the work you do because wellness starts with rest.

You may want to start a business solely focused on rest…or already have a rest business and want to add to your rest professional development.

There are many reasons women from around the world join our online Daring to Rest Leadership Program, now in it’s eighth year.

If you feel called, we hope to meet you soon.


What is the Daring to Rest Leadership Program?

We take women on both a deeply personal and professional journey to become a Daring to Rest Facilitator and Rest Coach through two online trainings.

While you do not have to take both, if you want to certify with us both trainings are required.

The Daring to Rest Yoga Nidra Facilitator Training

Learn to Teach, Live, and Lead with Yoga Nidra, the Most Supreme Rest Imaginable

(January - June 2025)

Learn to teach yoga nidra and our Daring to Rest framework as outlined in Karen Brody’s book, “Daring to Rest: Reclaim Your Power with Yoga Nidra Rest Meditation.”

You will emerge with the confidence to lead yoga nidra and be able to create unique rest programs, retreats and weave yoga nidra into the programs and coaching experiences you currently offer.

The Rested Path & Rest Coach Training

Become a Rest Coach and Learn to Weave Rest Tools & Practices Into Your Work That Help People (and You) Get on a Rested Path

(2025 - Dates TBD)

Learn our Rested Path framework to use with your clients - and yourself. The practices you will learn focus on the many layers of rest needed to lead a rested life.

You will emerge with a rest-centered toolkit & done-for-you curriculums to create powerful rest programs, retreats and rest coaching experiences.

We are a community of women rest leaders committed to our rested selves and helping others become rested.

The time for rested leadership is now.

If you feel called to join us,

we encourage you to…

  1. Listen to our stories below.

  2. Check out the next training that is enrolling now - click here.

  3. Reach out to us here if you have questions or want to book a discovery call.