In this rest note on leadership, Karen Brody takes on the topics of women, leadership, rest and staying awake in a world that wants us asleep to what's keeping us tired. She explores the political resignations in 2023 of Jacinda Ardern and Nicola Sturgeon as examples of women leaders showing us how be our own kind of leader.
Mother-Daughter Rest Bonding
Netflix is Messing with Our Sleep: A Short Rest Rant with Karen
Anti-Hustle Leadership in Work and Life - with Jadah Sellner
Rest is Love: A Short Rest Note
Teaching Rest Is My Radical Next Step: Meet Women in the Daring to Rest Facilitator Training Sisterhood 7
Wonder what it’s like to train to become a facilitator with Daring to Rest? In this 3-part "Teaching Rest is My Radical Next Step" series, I speak with a few women who recently completed the Daring to Rest Facilitator Certification Training, and the teacher trainers who led their small mentorship circles.
A Medical Rest Rant for Challenging Times with Karen Brody
Navigating these times is exhausting. Managing a health issue on top is like exhaustion on steroids. In this episode, Karen reads her medical rest rant email to the Daring to Rest community and explains why "it's not information that's going to help us move with ease through life, it's our practices."
Menopause, Myth and Fairy tales: Reimagining the Second Half of Life with Sharon Blackie
Step into the world of menopause, myth, and fairy tales in this conversation with award winning writer Sharon Blackie. Host Karen Brody speaks with Sharon on everything from what facing death taught her to the liminal space of menopause and how the archetypal energy of older women in fairy tales can help us claim our power and reimagine the second half of life.
Burnout: The Things in Our Lives that Exhaust Us and a Woman's Intentional Two Years of Rest - with Caroline Dooner
What happens when you are "tired as f*ck"? For bestselling author Caroline Dooner, whose new book is called Tired As F*ck, she chose to address her exhaustion by spending two years intentionally prioritizing rest. In this episode, listen to her conversation with Karen on burnout at the hands of diet, self-help and hustle culture.
Deep Rest and Gene Keys: A Path to Living, Working and Leading Softly
What is the connection between deep rest and the Gene Keys? How can both help you live, work and lead softly? Daring to Rest facilitator Korynn Elliott, a Gene Keys guide, joins Karen to talk about the power of Gene Keys alongside a practice like yoga nidra, and how the Gene Keys voyage is very similar to Daring to Rest’s 3-Phase approach to leadership.
What If You Led with Rest? Women's Bodies, Leadership and the Case to Stay in Your Body
Permission to be Tired - A short rest note with Karen
Menstrual Intelligence - Awakening Power, Purpose and Love
Is it Possible to End Burnout?
Amazing Grace: A Former Roman Catholic Sister Reflects on her Religion, Yoga Nidra and Rest
The World Will Be Saved By the Rested Woman - rest note from Karen
The Courage to Pause, Rest and Be - with Octavia Raheem
In this episode, Karen talks with Octavia Raheem, author of the new book, "Pause, Rest, Be." They talk about the courage to rest personally and collectively today, and how rest fortifies our courage. Also, how rest will change your relationship to yourself and others. This episode is a deep exploration of the pause and power of stillness, and why rest is an advanced practice. Join Karen and Octavia in their discussion on why making time for rest matters and learn about Octavia's new book.
Sleep, Dreaming and Awakening - with Dr. Rubin Naiman
Rest and Women's Leadership
Karen is talking to the Daring to Rest teacher trainers in our Daring to Rest Facilitator Training for Women about the impact of rest on women's lives, the practice of yoga nidra, why Daring to Rest's facilitator training is much more than a yoga nidra teacher training program, and how the Daring to Rest approach contributes a unique approach to women's leadership. Whether you're considering our facilitator training or not, this episode will get you excited to start and stay rested.
Tracking Wonder: Reclaiming a Life of Meaning and Possibility in a World Obsessed with Productivity
In this episode, Karen is talking with Jeffrey Davis, the CEO of Tracking Wonder Consultancy. They talk about what is wonder? How and why it’s important to cultivate wonder. How do wonder and rest intersect? Why does gifting wonder ripple? How can we find the wonder between us in a divisive world? And they explore the Tracking Wonder framework outlined in Jeffrey’s new book, Tracking Wonder. Join us as we connect on how wonder adds more meaning and possibility in a world obsessed with productivity.