How to Have an Orgasmic (& Restful!) Birth and Life - with Debra Pascali Bonaro
Doula trainer, childbirth educator, and filmmaker, Debra Pascali Bonaro, joins Karen to discuss claiming your power and pleasure in childbirth and life; advice on turning pain into purpose; the importance of sex education; why it’s crazy to put women on their backs to give birth; and what is oxytocin and why it gives us an incredible high. Karen adds her rest lens to this powerful conversation on an orgasmic & restful birth and life.
Being Your Own Kind of Leader: Women, Leadership, Rest and Staying Awake
In this rest note on leadership, Karen Brody takes on the topics of women, leadership, rest and staying awake in a world that wants us asleep to what's keeping us tired. She explores the political resignations in 2023 of Jacinda Ardern and Nicola Sturgeon as examples of women leaders showing us how be our own kind of leader.
Mother-Daughter Rest Bonding
Netflix is Messing with Our Sleep: A Short Rest Rant with Karen
Anti-Hustle Leadership in Work and Life - with Jadah Sellner
Rest is Love: A Short Rest Note
Teaching Rest Is My Radical Next Step: Meet Women in the Daring to Rest Facilitator Training Sisterhood 7
Wonder what it’s like to train to become a facilitator with Daring to Rest? In this 3-part "Teaching Rest is My Radical Next Step" series, I speak with a few women who recently completed the Daring to Rest Facilitator Certification Training, and the teacher trainers who led their small mentorship circles.
A Medical Rest Rant for Challenging Times with Karen Brody
Navigating these times is exhausting. Managing a health issue on top is like exhaustion on steroids. In this episode, Karen reads her medical rest rant email to the Daring to Rest community and explains why "it's not information that's going to help us move with ease through life, it's our practices."