The Colonization of Sleep and Yoga - with Yoli Maya Yeh and Uma Dinsmore Tuli (Copy)

The Colonization of Sleep and Yoga - with Yoli Maya Yeh and Uma Dinsmore Tuli (Copy)

Anyone who practices yoga nidra knows it can feel like being in a sanctuary. We a lot about this sanctuary – that it’s a space that’s soft, and even playful. But are you choosing to lie down from a place of freedom, where you’re at the center, or are you, often unknowingly, allowing a system to take your power? In this podcast Uma Dinsmore Tuli and Yoli Maya Yeh call us to reclaim sleep and yoga for planetary healing, justice and freedom.

Honoring Your Cycle in a Non-Cyclical World: Exploring The Path to Feminine Power with the Red School Founders

Honoring Your Cycle in a Non-Cyclical World: Exploring The Path to Feminine Power with the Red School Founders

We think of power as the ability to assert ourselves in the world and manifest what we want. But Alexandra Pope and Sjanie Hugo Wurlitzer contend the ultimate power lies in our capacity to trust rest. Today, they join me to discuss the magic of menstrual cycle awareness on the feminine path to power.

Why Bother: The Call to Discover Your Fully Alive Self - with Jennifer Louden

Why Bother: The Call to Discover Your Fully Alive Self - with Jennifer Louden

Bestselling author Jennifer Louden joins me to talk about her new book, "Why Bother: Discovering The Desire for What's Next." We’re in a huge “Why Bother” moment right now, reckoning with what we care about, and what it means to live and to engage in our lives. Have you been playing it safe, and this pandemic pause is coaxing you to believe that you can live a new more satisfying story? Join us on this episode for this daring conversation.

A Rest Perspective on COVID-19 - with Dr. Rubin Naiman

A Rest Perspective on COVID-19 - with Dr. Rubin Naiman

Sleep and dream specialist Dr. Rubin Naiman gives us a rest-perspective on COVID-19 and the current pandemic that has forced people around the world to stay in their homes to prevent the spread of the virus. Is this a “call to rest” moment? Are we in a waking dream? And what’s the number one way we can build our immunity right now? When you’re forced to rest, you can tune out or tune in. What if this is our moment to tune in? Listen in and join us for this unique discussion.

Reclaiming Our Voices Through Rest - with Karen Brody

Reclaiming Our Voices Through Rest - with Karen Brody

How many times have women stayed silent throughout history? What if rest was a remedy to help us speak up? On today’s episode, to celebrate International Women’s Day, I talk about how rest helps us reclaim our voices. This episode, and the yoga nidra that accompanies it, was inspired by Dr. Clarissa Pinkola Estés’ piece, "How to Silence a Woman: Retrieving Her Voice." Here's to the rise of your well-rested - and no longer silenced - woman.

Rest Stories Series: with Karen Brody and Certified Daring to Rest Facilitators

Rest Stories Series:  with Karen Brody and Certified Daring to Rest Facilitators

In this special Rest Stories Series, Karen and ten Certified Daring to Rest Facilitators, tell their rest stories, explain what rest means to them and why they are so passionate about teaching yoga nidra to others. Throughout the month of January, we’ll be telling our rest stories. Listen in to discover why yoga nidra is “more than a fancy nap” and why so many women are teaching it to create a well-rested world.

The Interior Life We Yearn For: Tending, Befriending and Integrating Shadow — with Pixie Lighthorse

 The Interior Life We Yearn For: Tending, Befriending and Integrating Shadow — with Pixie Lighthorse

Sloshing around in our inner territory is scary, but there is freedom in the truth. And only by exploring our shadows can we begin to heal ourselves and the world around us. Today, Pixie Lighthorse joins me to discuss her latest book, Goldmining the Shadows, and examine the role of rest in accessing our inner wisdom.

Raising a Child With Learning Differences: Dyslexia, Exhaustion, and Fighting for Your Child's Light

Raising a Child With Learning Differences: Dyslexia, Exhaustion, and Fighting for Your Child's Light

In the second grade, my son Jacob was diagnosed with dyslexia, a learning difference that makes it difficult for people to read quickly and automatically—but has no connection to overall intelligence. Today, Jacob joins me to share his experiences with dyslexia, and I explain how yoga nidra helped me navigate raising a dyslexic child.

The First International Yoga Nidra Conference

The First International Yoga Nidra Conference

Today, the Daring to Rest Sisters who attended the First International Yoga Nidra Conference join me to share their top takeaways from the experience. We explore how yoga nidra effectively reorganizes our relationship with our emotions, and that the yoga nidra framework is a jungle gym where we can play, affording our students different entry points to the practice and expanding their opportunities to restore wholeness.

Inside the Daring to Rest Academy with Tribe 3

Inside the Daring to Rest Academy with Tribe 3

Today on the Daring to Rest podcast I'm taking you inside the most recent tribe in the Daring to Rest Academy. Meet an intuitive astrologer, to a Qoya movement teacher and trainer who is also a reiki master, and a health psychology professor at one of the most prestigious women's college's in the United States. Learn about the creative ways these women are bringing to fruition and dreaming about sharing the message of rest.

The Liminal Dreaming & Yoga Nidra Connection with Jennifer Dumpert

The Liminal Dreaming & Yoga Nidra Connection with Jennifer Dumpert

As with yoga nidra, liminal dreaming requires us to surrender. To let go and drop into a space of deep relaxation. To have a conversation with the unconscious. Today, Jennifer Dumpert joins the Daring to Rest Podcast to define liminal dreams and discuss how to develop your own practice that supports creativity and problem-solving—and improves your overall wellbeing.

Do You Know About the Rest Cure for Women? A girlfriend chat with Karen Brody on taking back rest

Do You Know About the Rest Cure for Women? A girlfriend chat with Karen Brody on taking back rest

In this episode Daring to Rest founder Karen Brody chats from her rest cave about the rest cure, an immensely popular method used on women in the middle and upper classes in the late 1800s in American and Europe who were mysteriously getting sick. Find out why this period in history is important and what women can learn from it to help us take back rest today.

Measuring the Impact of Yoga Nidra: The Data and Evidence for Radical Rest and A Native American Woman's Quest for Tenderness

Measuring the Impact of Yoga Nidra: The Data and Evidence for Radical Rest and A Native American Woman's Quest for Tenderness

We know that being well-rested improves the quality of our lives because we can FEEL it. But what if more women measured the impact of practices like yoga nidra? Today, Dr. Nicole Bowman joins me to share the system she used to track Daring to Rest yoga nidra’s effect on her health and productivity.