Rest Stories Series: with Karen Brody and Certified Daring to Rest Facilitators


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In this special Rest Stories Series, Karen and ten Certified Daring to Rest Facilitators in the Daring to Rest Academy, tell their rest stories, explain what rest means to them and why they are so passionate about teaching yoga nidra to others. Throughout the month of January, we’ll be telling our rest stories. Listen in to discover why yoga nidra is, as certified Daring to Rest facilitator Michelle Wilson says, “more than a fancy nap” and why so many women are teaching it to create a well-rested world.

Why I Teach Rest - with Karen Brody

In this first episode of our Rest Stories Series, Daring to Rest founder Karen Brody tells her worn out woman to well-rested woman story and why she decided she must teach the transformational sleep practice known as yoga nidra.

I Trust in Life - with Barbara Dopfer

In this episode, meet Barbara Dopfer, a yoga teacher and almost-certified Daring to Rest facilitator in the south of Germany. Barbara is the owner of Yogarten. In this eleven-minute episode, you’ll learn about Barbara’s love story with yoga nidra and why she now passionately teaches it.

Rest Became the Root of My Healing - with Jaimee Roncone

In this episode, Jaimee Roncone – certified Daring to Rest facilitator and owner of a wellness center in Northampton, Massachusetts, and living with a stage 4 metastatic breast cancer diagnosis - shares how rest became the root of her personally healing, and now teaching.

Rest is Political and We Need It Now - with Claire Garin

Ever feel like for as long as you can remember you’ve been tired? That’s soon-to-be certified Daring to Rest Facilitator Claire Garin’s story - tired her whole adult life. Until she discovered Daring to Rest. And now she teaches it to tired activist. “I relaxed in ways I didn’t know was possible. It is like yoga nidra taught my nervous system what I had forgot.”

Yoga Nidra: More Than a Fancy Nap - with Michelle Wilson

Certified Daring to Rest facilitator Michelle Wilson, owner of Radiant Solutions in Iowa, knows the worn out woman story well. In 2017, after she heard Karen Brody ask, "What would happen if you rose up like a well-rested woman?" Michelle thought, "I want that for myself. Rest as a lifestyle." Listen to Michelle's husband interview her on how yoga nidra has changed her life - and career - and why it is more than a fancy nap.

The Power of Intention - with Jo Blackman

After the birth of her second child and experiencing post natal depression, Certified Daring to Rest facilitator Jo Blackman, owner of HeartSpace in Auckland, New Zealand, set herself the intention of something she wanted to be as a mom. Listen to her story to hear what magically happened next.

We Effort Everything, But Yoga Nidra is Effortless - with Marcela Iglesias

After significant people died in a three-year span, certified Daring to Rest facilitator Marcela Iglesias found yoga, trained in it, and through yoga she found yoga nidra. Find out why Marcela so passionately loves this practice and teaches it in this conversation between Marcela and a cherished friend.

Yoga Nidra Brings Me Closer to My Mission - with Gerda van der Lecq – Postma

How do you make yoga nidra permanent part of your life when you have been tired for as long as you can remember? That’s what certified Daring to Rest facilitator Gerda van der Lecq – Postma has done, despite raising children and a busy career. Listen to the journey of how rest helped her rise into her mission.  

*This story is in Gerda’s native language, Dutch. Click here for the English transcript.

Hooked on Yoga Nidra - with Sheri Parr

Five years ago, her daughters almost all off to college, on the eve of being an empty nester, certified Daring to Rest facilitator Sheri Parr realized that she had so much unprocessed grief and she went on a quest to change her life. That’s when she found yoga nidra and was immediately hooked. But how would she stick with it?  In this episode, learn how yoga nidra has helped Sheri rise from her heart.

Creating Space Just for Me to Rest – with Lotus Baker

Meet certified Daring to Rest facilitator Lotus Baker, mother of three girls. When Lotus’ daughter with multiple disabilities began to find her creativity, Lotus realized that she had put her own needs and desires aside for too long. “I had lost that connection to my inner voice that lit me up from within,” she shares. She found Daring to Rest at a time when she was starting her own yoga studio in Miami.  Learn what yoga nidra taught her and how she now shares this rest medicine with others.

Yoga Nidra: Quicker Picker Upper - with Barbara Cohen Itzkowitz

Envision that emoji on your smart phone where the person’s eyes are open wide, looking frantic. That was 71-year-old certified Daring to Rest facilitator Barbara without yoga nidra. In this episode, learn how yoga nidra helped her go from frantic emoji to the one that’s smiling with three hearts.

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