Moms and Rest


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In this episode of the Daring to Rest Podcast, Karen Brody speaks about rest and motherhood with Matilda Leyser, Jendayi Gantt and Lisa Black . They speak to the shame moms feel to rest, the struggle to get good sleep, and how to become less apologetic about practicing rest. They also discuss the importance of their yoga nidra meditation practice in their lives, what times work best for them to rest, and the legacy of rest they want to model for their children and future generations.

Key Topics

Shame and rest

Obstacles to getting rest for moms


Impact of yoga nidra on moms

How to make rest a lifestyle

Legacy of rest for entire family

Copy of Podcast Ep53.png

Resources mentioned

Waitlist form for Daring to Rest Well-Rested Family Immersion

Daring to Rest 40-Day Program (get on the Daring to Rest email list to find out when the next live 40-day program starts; and check out the Daring to Rest book)

Daring to Rest Academy

Mothers Who Make (mentioned by Matilda)

Hand in Hand Parenting (mentioned by Matilda)